The Way We Talk About Dying Matters


The Way We Talk About Dying Matters

The Way We Talk About Dying Matters


Dying Matters Awareness Week will take place from 6 - 12 May 2024. 


Every year, people around the UK use Dying Matters Awareness Week as a moment to encourage all communities to get talking in whatever way, shape or form works for them.

This year’s theme, ‘The way we talk about Dying Matters’, focuses on the language that we use, and conversations we have, around death and dying – specifically between healthcare professionals and patients, their carers and their families.


Let's Talk About It!

Honest, timely conversations about death and dying are essential to good end of life care. Yet all too often barriers, including lack of confidence, taboos around discussing death, and confusion about who should be having these conversations mean patients, carers and families may not understand what is happening, or get all the information and support they need.



Helpful Guides

Untitled Design

How To Get Organised

How to get organised for dying matters week? 🤷‍♀️

Some people find it hard to talk about death, being ready to talk about death can be important.
Some may want to talk to you about things like funeral plans, or writing a Will, being looked after when they are older, Being ready to listen can mean you have a better conversation.

You never know when someone might want to talk.
So it is a good idea to learn how to be a good listener now.



How To Be A Good Listener

How to be a good listener 👂🦻

• Listen carefully it is important to pay attention the whole time.
• Do not worry about saying something wrong you do not have to have any answers.
• You are there because the other person trusts you.


Scrapbook Sessions

This Is Your Life Scrapbooking

Dying Matters Scrapbook 🎨

Scrapbooking beautiful memories is the way at ellenor we love to keep a reminder of those, especially for events like Dying Matters

Remembering someone special, celebrate the life of your loved one by supporting vital care at ellenor Hospice in their memory.

We have our scrapbook sessions every week Wednesday 11-12 and Thursday 1-2.


How To Support Someone With Terminnal Main Photo

What To Say

How to support someone who has been given a life limiting illness

If you need a little help in ways to reach out to someone, we got you!

If someone you know is:

- Living with a life limiting illness
- Caring for someone
- Dealing with grief



Staying Active Helps!


The route for our walkers today starts from Cyclopark in Gravesend and follows footpaths through the countryside passing through Cobham, Meopham to the edges of the North Downs. This is a circular route so they will finish back at Cyclopark.


Podcast (1)

Talking About It!

Death. Dying. Hospice.

These are not easy words to say and they are not words that are brought up in conversation lightly. ellenor is hoping to change that.

With our new podcast "Don't Say the Word: A Hospice Podcast About Breaking Taboos & Igniting Conversations" we will take you on a journey through what hospice actually is and what palliative care actually means.


END OF LIFE CHAMPIONS (1080 X 1350 Px) (1)

End Of Life Champion

We spoke to Sue Marshall, Practice Development Support, about her work pioneering a new training course teaching end-of-life care planning to employees at care homes, or homes for people with special needs.

Below, she explains what the training offers, why it’s so important – and how becoming an ‘End of Life Champion’ can pave the way for all patients to die with dignity.


Dr Lakshmi

Primary To Palliative Care

From Primary Care to Palliative Care: Dr Lakshmi’s Personal and Professional Palliative Care Journey with ellenor

Her passion for palliative care medicine has always held a special place in her heart.

Please read this beautiful full story on ellenor.org



Planning Ahead Tool

Hospice UK have joined forces with a number of institutions to create a Planning Ahead Tool. It will lead you, step by step, to think about your values and the things that matter most to you in life (and in dying).

This plan is by no means definitive and remember that your Advanced Care Plan can be a fluid document. You will need to inform your doctors or your loved ones of your views to ensure they can meet your wishes.



Downloadable Leaflets

Dying Matters have created five downloadable leaflets to help provide support and advice to help you get started talking and planning for death.

Things to do Before You Die

None of us want to think about getting ill and dying. But having a plan makes it easier for you and your loved ones when you are dying. Thinking about things like making a will, deciding what kind of care we’d like, or by making clear our wishes, can make our last days easier for us and the time after our death easier for our families and friends.

Supporting Bereavement

It can be very difficult to know what to say or do when someone you know has lost someone close. We often want to offer support. However, it can be hard to know what to say for fear of being intrusive or saying the wrong thing.

Let's Talk about Dying

Talking about death doesn’t bring death closer. It’s about planning for life, helping us make the most of the time that we have. However, starting the conversation, particularly with those close to you, is never easy. We don’t want to upset people, or sound gloomy. Still, families commonly report that it comes as a relief once the subject is brought out into the open.

Talking about Dying with People Affected by Dementia

Dementia, often presenting as memory loss, confusion and difficulty carrying out daily activities, affects about 800,000 people living in the UK.

Providing end of life care for people with dementia is a key part of delivering good quality care but many people put things off until it’s too late, often missing opportunities that could lead to improved quality of life.

Talking about Dying with Children

We can’t protect children from death. They encounter it all the time – whether it’s a mouse brought in by the cat or a grandparent dying. At an early age, they can form their own beliefs around it.