ellenor offers a person centred approach for people facing a life limiting illness. We offer support around physical, emotional and spiritual issues as well as supporting families and carers.
There are times when symptoms are difficult to manage within your own home.
We offer short term admission to our Inpatient Ward to review, monitor and explore options for relieving symptoms. Our aim is to control symptoms and facilitate a return home where possible.
ellenor can provide bookable respite care for people facing life limiting illnesses.
This allows family and caregivers a much needed break from their caregiving responsibilities, whilst ensuring that their loved one continues to receive high quality care within our hospice.
We provide an out of hours telephone advice service for patients, relatives and local services. We have experienced nursing staff who are able to address questions and provide guidance and support. We also have access to specialist doctors for advice out of usual operating hours.
When staying at home is not possible, we offer care within our Inpatient Ward. Our specialised team addresses both patients and families needs through support that is individual to them.