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Current Courses

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Current Courses


To support staff with key skills and essential training for End of Life we are working with Hospice colleagues to support a timetable of training via Teams. Trainers will be from palliative care experts, including the following hospices: ellenor, Pilgrims, Heart of Kent and supported by colleagues in KCHFT. To see a full list of our courses available on Eventbrite please click here

To book on these sessions

  • Staff will need to have access to zoom - you might want to practice with Teams prior to the training to trouble shoot any I.T issues
  • Follow the Eventbrite link to book a place on each session you are interested in
  • Log on 5-10 minutes before the start of the session
  • Have pen and paper on hand to participate in the sessions

Upcoming Courses

Free to Attend

Please click on the + to view more information about course content and available dates to book :

Bereavement & Loss

Free to Attend

How to identify bereavement and grief for the resident, the family and the professional carer. Other Health Care Professionals welcomed.

Health Care staff have encountered a high number of deaths in their working environment due to the pandemic and some have suffered the loss of loved ones. This session identifies the principles of bereavement and loss for both staff and their patients.

Registrants are also advised to join in the Wellbeing and Self Care session as well, as this second session will help to recognise the effects of stresses caused by bereavement and gives tips on how to manage self-care.

We strongly advise you to attend the session on Wellbeing and Self Care For You as well, as the 2 sessions will help to support you and your colleagues.

You will need to have access to a camera and a microphone to be able to take part, as it is an interactive session. If you do not have these please email


Free to Attend

This session discusses the key components that contribute towards good communication. All Health Care Professionals are welcome.

Managing difficult conversations with angry clients/patient/relatives/colleagues can be a challenge. This training session is designed to help Health Care staff with the foundations of good communication. It is aimed at Health Care staff working in different care settings.

You will need to have access to a camera and a microphone to be able to take part, as it is an interactive session. If you do not have these please email

Wellbeing and Self Care

Free to Attend

How to maintain a good healthy work life balance is discussed in this training. Other Health Care Professionals welcomed.

It is recognised with recent studies that the mental health of Health Care staff and their teams are affected by the increase in deaths and workload during this pandemic. It is important to recognise the effects of working in a stressful environment. Wellbeing is key in maintaining a good balance between work and your home life. This session will help to identify the signs of stress and will give tips on how to manage self- care and resilience.

Although this course is aimed at Care Home Staff, any Health Care staff who wish to register is welcomed. You will need to have access to a camera and a microphone to be able to take part, as it is an interactive session. If you do not have these please email