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A new shop opening!

Opened last week in the Swanley Centre, shoppers will find a nice range of good quality second hand items.

Clothing in all styles, sizes and brands, are on sale at great prices alongside small electrical items, toys, children’s clothing and books.
Shoppers will also find a very warm welcome from manager Alicja Drwiega and her team of staff and volunteers.

The shop is the latest to be opened as part of ellenor’s ambitious retail growth plan.
In 2024, 3 shops were opened, plus a warehouse, which takes donations, collects large furniture, holds stock for shops and where PAT testing is carried out for electrical donations before they can be sold.
We also sell online, via Ebay and a Vinted store was opened in 2024 too.

In 2025, more shops are planned – the first to open will be in Strood.

Retail therapy supporting hospice care
Retail represents a large slice of our annual income – and charity shopping is on the rise, not just in ellenor shops, but across the country.
The Charity Retail Association continues to report year-on-year rises in both charity shop income and transaction value – people are shopping more in charity shops and spending more when they do.

For ellenor, donations to, and income from, charity shops are increasing. Our retail arm is the most typical way people give their support and come into contact us – either through generously donating items or shopping.
In 2023/24, 250,000 people visited an ellenor shop, buying half a million items between them, contributing significantly to our annual £7.5m operating costs.       

Head of retail Stella Blagrove, said: “People are shopping more in charity shops and the footfall in ellenor’s are up year-on-year.
“We have a wonderful community around us, that not only thinks of us when they are looking to rehome their items, but give us some great quality items that we can sell to support our work.
“That same community visits our shops to browse, look for something in particular or just pop in – and we all know what happens, you see something you like that you didn’t know you needed, but you just have to have!
“Gift Aid adds a huge amount too – another 25% on top of the value of the item – a fantastic boost.
“If you’ve not shopped in an ellenor shop before, find your nearest one on our website and pop in – our staff will give you a fantastic welcome.
“Come in, shop, browse, have a chat etc.”

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