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I'm a qualified nurse with 32 years in healthcare, spanning acute, community, and hospice care. In 2001, I started the rapid response service in Dartford, Gravesham, and Swanley, driven by a genuine passion for improving patient care. Joining ellenor in 2015 allowed me to return to hands-on nursing and rekindle that passion. As Director of Care, I’ve truly enjoyed reconnecting with patients and using my skills to develop our services. Outside of work, I’m a bit of a baking enthusiast and a travel adventurer - I’ve even made it all the way to Barrow in the Arctic Circle, which was definitely one for the memory books!


I can’t start my day without …

a game of Candy Crush - my secret addiction,

My life motto is …”

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition”- a well-known Monty Python quote but used here from the movie Sliding Doors, which taught me no matter how bad things may seem, you never know what's around the corner.

I boost my well-being by …

baking, which my friends, family, and co-workers often say boosts theirs in turn.

What makes me laugh is …

comedian-Michael McIntyre. His observations on life and culture have me crying with laughter- especially his “Snowed Out” sketch.

My biggest weakness is …

cheese, the stronger the better.

Introvert or extrovert … extrovert- but have been in denial for years.

Who inspires you the most and why? …

my dad - the hardest working and most honest person I've ever known. He always bounced back and wasn't afraid to speak his mind (often).

A piece of advice I’d give to my younger self is …

You are enough on your own.

What’s the most rewarding part of being Director of Care for you?

I came to ellenor after losing my way and no longer remembering why I became a nurse. Here, I’ve described it as 'getting my mojo back.' Every day, something happens that reminds me of the difference I and my teams make - and that’s why I became a nurse.

What’s one thing people might be surprised to learn about you?

Nigel Kennedy, the world-famous violinist, calls me 'Nurse Ratched' (a reference for fans of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest) and once let me play his very expensive Stradivarius violin.

What do you find most inspiring about the team you work with at ellenor?

The fact they go above and beyond every day for their patients and their families.